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Minecraft-plugins | Gravity-reloaded

Hello, I'm


Table of contents


If you want to report a bug, just contact me.

What is Gravity Reloaded?

Not all of my work is for productivity though, here are some plugins I developed for the popular computer game called "Minecraft". Those plugins are also on the plugin exchange site called 'SpigotMC'


Minecraft server with Spigot/Bukkit 1.8 or higher.


Below is a list with some key features of Gravity Reloaded.

  • Gravity: A fun little gamemode.
  • Mulitarena: Have more than one Arena.
  • Join-signs: Rightclick to join the game.
    Setup: Line 1: [Grav], Line 2 {arenaname}.
  • Lobbyitems:
    Startitem: Use to start game (only with permission),
    Shopitem: Use to buy Joinmepasses,
    Leaveitem: Use to leave the game
  • Joinme: Used to send a message with a clickable playerhead-image, if clicked the player will join your arena.
  • Mapvoting: Click on a chatmessage to vote for your favourite maps.


Below is a list of all commands with a description of what they allow you to do.


Instead of /gravity you can use the following aliases: /gr, /grav, /gravityreloaded

/gravityThe main command-
/gravity helpShows you the gravity help-
/gravity mapsThe maps-subcommand„gravity.admin", „gravity.maps.list", or op
/gravity maps helpShows you the Gravity-maps help-
/gravity maps {map}Shows you the info of the map {map}„gravity.admin", „gravity.maps.list", or op
/gravity maps listLists all maps„gravity.admin", „gravity.maps.list", or op
/gravity maps create {map}Creates a map named {map}„gravity.admin", „gravity.maps.create", or op
/gravity maps remove {map}Removes a map named {map}„gravity.admin", „gravity.maps.remove", or op
/gravity maps setup {map}Opens the setup-inventory for the map named {map}„gravity.admin", „gravity.maps.setup", or op
/gravity arenaThe arena-subcommand
/gravity arena helpShows you the Gravity-arena help
/gravity arena {arena}Shows you the info of the arena {arena}„gravity.admin", „gravity.arena.list", or op
/gravity arena listLists all arenas„gravity.admin", „gravity.arena.list", or op
/gravity arena create {arena}Creates an arena named {arena}„gravity.admin", „gravity.arena.create", or op
/gravity arena remove {arena}Removes an arena named {arena}„gravity.admin", „gravity.arena.remove", or op
/gravity arena setup {arena}Opens the setup-inventory for the arena named {arena}„gravity.admin", „gravity.arena.setup", or op
/gravity join {arena}Joins the arena {arena} like clicking on a sign-
/gravity joinmeStarts a joinme„gravity.admin“, „gravity.joinme", or op
/gravity setmainlobbySets the mainlobby-spawn„gravity.admin“, „gravity.setmainlobby", or op
/gravity stats [player]Shows the stats of player [player]No premission required!
OtherWorks only in arena
/lobby, /lb, /hub, /spawnLeaves your current arenaNo premission required!
/voteVote for any mapsetNo premission required! Aliasses: v
/startStart the your current arena„gravity.admin“, „gravity.arena.start“, or op
/joinmeStarts a joinme„gravity.admin“, „gravity.arena.joinme“, or op
/stats [player]Shows the stats of player [player]No premission required!


Below you can find a guide which helps you getting started and some tips and tricks.


Install the plugin and reload your server. Check if the plugin loaded correctly with "/pl" or "/gravity help" and check the console for errors.
In Gravity, as in many other gamemodes, there are Arenas and Maps.


An Arena is a virtual place where players get connected to when they click the join-signs. An Arena consists of a Lobby room - this is where the players will wait till the game starts - and multiple Maps. The maps are choosen by voting for random pairs of 5 maps.


A Map is the actual level the players will interact with and try to jump down. A Map consists of a top platform from where the players will jump down, a glass area that blocks the players from jumping down straight away, obstacles to avoid when jumping down, water down where the players can land savely and a Nether-Portal where on entering the player wil get teleported to the next map or win the game if it is the last Level of the Game.


The Glass is an area that blocks the players from jumping down the map immediately since there is a 5 second timer in the first Level after which the players can start.


The Portal is just a regular, lit Nether-Portal placed at the bottom of the map. When a player enters it he will not get teleported to the nether but instead the plugin handles the action and the player will get teleported to the next Level or in the case that this was the last Level the player wins the game.


The setup is easier than it may seem especially once you get the hang out of it.
First you shoud set the mainlobby-spawn with the command "/gravity setmainlobby". This is the place the players will get teleported to once the game finished or they leave the Arena. You have to set up at least 5 Maps. Then you can set up multiple Arenas.

Setup Maps

To setup a Map you first have to create one with "/gravity maps create {name}". Then to setup the properties for the Map use "/gravity maps setup {name}" and set the properties by clicking the items in the GUI.
The command "/gravity maps list" lists all Maps and shows their status.

Setup Arenas

To setup an Arena you first have to create one with "/gravity arena create {name}". Then to setup the properties for the Arena use "/gravity arena setup {name}" and set the properties by clicking the items in the GUI.
The command "/gravity arena list" lists all Arenas and shows their status.

Setup Join-Sign

To setup a Join-Sign just place a sign and write "[Grav]" in the fist line and the arenaname "{arenaname}" into the second line.


Players click the join sign and will then get teleported into the Lobby room for the Arena. When enough players (amount is set in the config.yml file) joined the Arena all players will get teleported to the first Map where the game starts after a 5 second timer. When the game starts the Glass will get removed and the players can try to jump down into the save water. If they die they will get teleported back up but if they manage to get down safely and enter the nether-portal they will get teleported to the next map, where the glass is instantly removed. If the player enters the Portal in the last map they win.


The player can vote by clicking the chat message that will show every X seconds/minutes or by typing "/vote".


The player can start a joinme by entering "/joinme" in the lobby. This will send a messege to all players with the head of the player that started the joinme as pixel-art and if the players click on the message they will join the Arena.


Almost all of my published work is open-source on my GitHub and licensed under the MIT-License.


If you want to check out the sourcecode for Gravity Reloaded visit my GitHub repository.


This plugin requires the following libraries in order to work properly.


Download & installation

Below is a guide for installation and the download. I hope that you enjoy my work, if you want to report a bug just contact me.


Drag the plugin into the plugins folder of your server.