If you want to report a bug, just contact me.
What is Hide and Seek?
Not all of my work is for productivity though, here are some plugins I developed for the popular computer game called "Minecraft". Those plugins are also on the plugin exchange site called 'SpigotMC'
Minecraft server with Spigot/Bukkit 1.8 or higher.
Below is a list with some key features of Hide and Seek.
- Hide and Seek: A fun little gamemode.
- Easy setup: The setup is very easy.
- Mulitarena: Have more than one Arena.
- Join-signs: Rightclick to join the game.
Setup: Line 1: [HS], Line 2 {arenaname}. - Lobbyitems:
Passitem: Use seeker-pass,
Startitem: Use to start game (only with permission),
Shopitem: Use to buy Seeker- or joinmepasses,
Leaveitem: Use to leave the game. - Seekerpass: Increase the chance of being seeker.
- Joinme: Use to send a message with a clickable playerhead-image, if clicked the player will join your arena.
Instead of /hideAndSeek you can use the following aliases: /hs, /hns, /hidenseek
Command | Description | Permission |
General | ||
/hideAndSeek | The main command | - |
/hideAndSeek help | Shows you the hideAndSeek help | - |
/hideAndSeek setmainlobby | Sets the mainlobby-spawn | „hs.admin", „hs.setmainlobby", or op |
Arena | ||
/hideAndSeek arena | The subcommand of hideAndSeek | |
/hideAndSeek arena list | Shows a list of all arenas | „hs.admin", „hs.arena.list", or op |
/hideAndSeek arena create {arenaname} | Create an arena named {arenaname} | „hs.admin", „hs.arena.create", or op |
/hideAndSeek arena remove {arenaname} | Remove an arena named {arenaname} | „hs.admin", „hs.arena.remove", or op |
/hideAndSeek arena setup {arenaname} | Opens a setup inventory for an arena named {arenaname} | „hs.admin", „hs.arena.setup", or op |
Other | ||
/hideAndSeek join {arena} | Join the arena {arena} | No permission required! |
/hideAndSeek joinme | Starts a joinme | „hs.admin", „hs.joinme", or op |
/hideAndSeek stats [player] | Shows the stats of player [player] | No permission required! |
In Arena Commands | ||
/lobby | Leave an arena | No permission required! Aliases: l, lb, spawn, hub |
/start | Forcestarts the arena | „hs.admin", „hs.arena.start", or op |
/joinme | Starts a joinme | „hs.admin", „hs.joinme", or op |
/stats [player] | Shows the stats of player [player] | No permission required! |
Getting started
Download and install Hide and Seek
Install the plugin and reload your server. Check if the plugin loaded correctly with "/pl" or "/hideAndSeek help" and check the console for errors.
Available soon...
If you want, you can make a tutorial and send me the link via pm and your tutorial gets listed HERE!
Almost all of my published work is open-source on my GitHub and licensed under the MIT-License.
If you want to check out the sourcecode for Hide and Seek visit my GitHub repository.
This plugin requires the following libraries in order to work properly.
Download & installation
Below is a guide for installation and the download. I hope that you enjoy my work, if you want to report a bug just contact me.
Drag the plugin into the plugins folder of your server.
Visit the SpigotMC resource